Dear friends,
Late December is a very special time
for me. The churning of the holiday season crowds out my normal
routines, and my attention shifts dramatically. In this season,
personal transformation seems especially within reach. Between
Christmas Eve and New Year's Day, my life is put on lock down and the
relentless silence of dark winter nights strips me bare. This fallow
time takes a hold of me, forcing me to cease my constant activity and
to reflect on the choices I have made.

It is also a season to become more
aware of God's faithfulness. As I recall everything that has happened
in the last year - not to mention the last decade! - it is so clear
to me that I could never have made it to this moment without ongoing
divine intervention. With the 20/20 hindsight of late December, I see
more clearly how the Spirit has been present with me throughout the
highs and lows. Even in the times when I felt abandoned, God never
left me.
The last year has definitely had its
share of lows, both for me and for Capitol Hill Friends. For the last
three years, we have operated under a model which focused on the
weekly worship event as the heart of our community. Beginning in late
2009, we extended an invitation for those in the DC area to join us
for waiting worship, Bible reading, singing and a home-cooked meal.
Our times together were powerful, and the worship was almost always
Yet, after almost three years of
ongoing effort, Capitol Hill Friends never grew into the kind of
sustainable community that we hoped for. Our attendance fluctuated
according to the seasons, but never grew very large. The formal
membership of our group held fairly steady, too - three core members,
plus one Friend who sojourned with us for a year, and two others who
sojourned for a summer. Despite the power of Christ's presence in our
times of worship, the community failed to gel.
We finally reached a crisis point this
fall. Our attendance fell greatly near the end of the summer - a
normal seasonal fluctuation - but it did not recover in the fall. At
the time of year when we had come to expect renewed energy and
vitality in our meetings, we were averaging 4-6 people. It was
increasingly clear that our way of operating had become
What needed to change? Were we being
unfaithful? Were we even still being called to engage in this
ministry? We put everything on the table. More than anything, we
wanted to be faithful to how the Lord was guiding us.
After extensive prayer and
consideration, we felt clear that we had not been released from the
work of planting a new Quaker community in the Washington, DC region.
But we also saw that we would have to let go of many of our
assumptions about how a Quaker Meeting was supposed to be. We
were still clinging to many patterns that kept us in our Quaker
comfort zone, but which held us back from speaking to the needs of
our city.
have emerged from this period of discernment with a commitment to do
whatever it takes to emerge from the Quaker hedge* and reach the DC
area with the love and power of Jesus Christ. We are convinced that
God is more concerned with growing a community gathered in
discipleship than with the purity of our Quaker pedigree. We feel
that God is calling us into partnership with the work of the Holy
Spirit, to become a living body in Christ - an organism that learns,
grows and adapts as God shapes us to speak to the condition of our

God is
blessing us. This Saturday, twenty-five of us gathered for dinner at
the William Penn House to hear about the plan for the next phase of
Capitol Hill Friends. We shared about the
cell church model that we are experimenting with, and invited folks to
participate in the first cycle of our base group (small group), which
will be meeting from the last Sunday in January to the first Sunday
in March.
base group meetings will last for about an hour and a half, and will
focus on three main activities: personal check-ins and building
community; reading the Bible and applying it to our lives in
practical ways; and exploring how to experience the Holy Spirit
through vocal prayer and silent waiting. The base group is meant to
be a living organism - the basic unit of Christ's body - that will
multiply over time. Our vision is to establish a growing number of
base groups in locations throughout the DC metro area, so that our
community will be easily accessible to anyone who wants to
groups will be the heart - the base! - of our community, with
everything else we do flowing out of the life of these groups of
6-12. Yet, we also think it is important to gather together in larger
numbers, and so we intend to hold larger worship events. As we begin
this new experiment in community, we will aim to have one worship
event every month or so. As we grow in numbers, energy and spiritual
maturity, we may increase the frequency of our larger worship event,
but once a month seems plenty for the time being.
It has
taken some time, but I am hopeful that we are finding our way to be a
healthy expression of Christ's body in the Washington region. We know
that it is the power of the Holy Spirit that gives life to the body,
not human models of organization. Nevertheless, I see signs that this
new model has the potential to remove barriers to the Holy Spirit's
work. I pray that we will remain open to removing all of the many
barriers to God in our lives, so that Christ's Spirit can flow
keep praying for us. Please ask your church/meeting to pray for us.
The next couple of months are going to be critical as we seek to
raise up leadership and multiply this first round of base groups.
Please pray for those who are providing leadership for this first
base group cycle, and for everyone who participates. May the Lord
draw us into authentic community in his name, finding the support and
encouragement we need to lead lives of faithfulness and joy.
friend in Truth,
"hedge" is an old Quaker term, which refers to a whole
complex of shared practices that help to distinguish and separate the
Friends community from the wider world.