Thursday, July 10, 2008

Brief Early Report From FUM Triennial 2008

Folks from all over the US, Canada, East Africa, Belize, Britain, and Jamaica came together yesterday, in Highpoint, North Carolina, for the 2008 Friends United Meeting Triennial sessions. So far, we've mostly introduced ourselves and talked about FUM's programs and how they are not recieving the kind of support they need to reach their full potential.

I can't imagine a much more different Friends conference in comparision with FGC Gathering. While FGC was like summer camp, FUM Triennial is more like a United Nations committee meeting.

More to come.


  1. I would like to hear more about your understanding of FUM feeling like a United Nations Committee Meeting. I was at the Wednesday evening session but had to leave the next day to Indiana for personal family business. Unfortunately, I will not be able to attend any of the sessions. I am a pastor in NCYM / FUM and have been part of FUM for my whole
    pastoral calling. I do believe FUM has some serious transitions it needs to make, but am interested in hearing more of your understanding and what you felt on Wednesday evening.

    Scott Wagoner / Deep River Friends Meeting / NCYM - FUM

  2. I really look forward to hearing more about this and am dearly wishing it could have been even vaguely possible for me to go. I am holding you all in the Light.

    Peace and Joy,

  3. Hello from Russia. This is the first Triennial I am missing since I started going to them in 1987, so I'm dying of curiosity. Thanks for posting!!

  4. Love to hear more of your experiences at the Triennial. As someone who has attended both Gatherings and Triennials, I appreciate your contrast of them.

    Gathering is a summer camp with no business. The Triennial is a business meeting of FUM.

    FGC tends to be demographically narrow - mostly North American, white, affluent, well schooled, politically liberal, public radio aficionados, etc. Further, it is designed to allow people to associate with those of their own "kind" with centers for those of a particular gender, race, etc. and with much of the time spend in one workshop so you're with a few people who share a common interest.

    FUM is dramatically more demographically diverse. It is people from different parts of the world. It has ethnic diversity, diversity in walks of life, diversity in worship style, etc., etc. And it generally tries hard to keep these diverse people talking to one another. It doesn't like to break them up each with their "own kind." It is a more challenging environment, and may seem much more difficult, but it has potentials that are far beyond the summer camp, narrowcasting Gathering.
