As members of the Body of Christ, each of us is given gifts by the Spirit that are meant to build up the body as a whole. There are a
The Three Traditional Offices of Friends
Among Quakers, there have traditionally been three offices that have been formally recognized: Gospel ministers, elders and overseers. Each one of these roles is made possible by the gifts that Christ bestows on his Church. Let us briefly examine each of these offices, to learn what Friends tradition might have to teach us about the healthy functioning of the Body of Christ.
Gospel Ministers
In many Christian groups, "ministry" has been held to be the function of only a small priestly class of men. However, Quakers radically redefine the prevailing assumptions about what ministry means, and who can perform it. Because Friends believe that Christ is present and active in everyone who submits to him, all Christians are ministers in a certain sense. God's calling for each woman and man becomes his or her ministry, his or her way of proclaiming the Kingdom of God.
In addition to this general ministry to which everyone is called, Friends also acknowledge that there is a particular ministry to which
The role and gifting of the gospel minister is to reveal the word of God through inspired preaching, teaching and personal example. Under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, the gospel minister calls attention to the presence of Christ in our midst, and calls the community to repentance and transformation. The woman or man who is called to gospel ministry cries out with Jeremiah, "But if I say, 'I will not mention [the Lord] or speak any more in his name,' his word is in my heart like a fire, a fire shut up in my bones. I am weary of holding it in; indeed, I cannot."(3) Of the spiritual gifts mentioned in Paul's letters, those that are most necessary to a gospel minister are: Exhortation, prophecy, teaching and discernment.(4)
The second traditional office among Friends is that of elder. Elders are above all concerned to care for the depth of the spiritual life of the Church. This care extends both to the meetings for worship, as well as to providing support and accountability for gospel ministers.
In the New Testament, the word "elder" seems to be rather vague - referring generally to respected leadership within a religious/ethnic community. It seems that it was an equally vague term among the early Friends in the mid-1600s; but within a generation or two, the office of elder had come to have a very specific meaning and function.(5)
Among Friends, elders are recognized for their special gifting in discernment and intercessory prayer. They are of particular help to
The role of the overseer is, as the name suggests, to keep watch over the disciple-community, making sure that everyone's needs are being met. The earliest example of overseers being named can be found in Acts 6, where the Apostles ask that the growing Church in Jerusalem choose for themselves, "seven men of good standing, full of the Spirit and of wisdom," who could be appointed to supervise the daily distribution of food and other resources among the believers.(6) The role of these seven original overseers was to make sure that the needs of everyone in the community were met.
The role of overseers among Friends has been slightly more expanded from the original instructions to the first overseers.(7)
The Gift of Apostleship
Examining the traditional triad of Quaker leadership, there is an elegant symmetry and balance to its structure. Gospel ministers
And when our communities are healthy, this basic model can work. Gospel ministers, elders and overseers work together to build up the Body and equip us to do the ministry that each one is called to. This threefold equipping ministry forms a vibrant core from which a wide variety of other ministries can emerge and remain grounded in Christ.
But as we look around today, we see that most of our church communities are not healthy. Even in those few communities that
Apostleship can be a confusing word. For many, it is inextricably linked with the original twelve Apostles, and Paul - the unofficial "thirteenth Apostle." To apply this word to believers today might seem out of place. Who would call themselves an "apostle" in this day and age? If the word "apostle" puts unnecessary barriers in the way of sharing the Gospel, then it may be best to avoid applying the title to women and men today. Nevertheless - the gift of apostleship is desperately needed by the Church today. We cannot do without it.
In Scripture, an apostle is simply "one who is sent." Apostles are messengers, guided by the Holy Spirit and bringing the good news
The gift of apostleship is essential to unlocking the God-given potential of the Church, and it is at the heart of what missional Quaker faith looks like. The major concern of the apostolic gift is mission itself. Specifically, marks of apostolic ministry include:
- Establishing new Christ-centered communities across geographical, linguistic, cultural and religious barriers.
- Maintaining a sense of movement-wide dynamics and fostering the development of interlacing networks that empower local communities to reach beyond themselves.
- Seeing the "big picture"; thinking strategically and coordinating preparations across the movement for the plans that God has in store.
- Encouraging established congregations to plant new fellowships and to get outside of themselves and set their sights on serving the wider world - both locally and globally.
- Serving as guardian for the teaching of the Church; ensuring that the core message of Jesus Christ is being embodied in word and in deed in the local churches and in the movement as a whole.
But what if we embraced the gifts in our midst? They are there, after all; for God does not call us to anything that we are not equipped by the Holy Spirit to accomplish. What would it look like if we allowed Christ to transform us from settled, mostly self-serving communities into a Spirit-led movement that broke down cultural, ethnic, class and social barriers? What would we become if we laid down everything - even the Church as we know it - to follow Jesus?
1. 1 Corinthians 3:6
2. For the three major "lists," see Romans 12, 1 Corinthians 12, and Ephesians 4.
3. Jeremiah 20:9
4. For a current description of gospel ministry, see Ohio Yearly Meeting's Book of Discipline: of gospel
5.For a description of elders today, see Ohio Yearly Meeting's Book of Discipline:
6. Acts 6:3
7. For a modern-day description of the duties of overseers, see Ohio Yearly Meeting's Book of Discipline:
Resources for Further Study:
Sandra Cronk, Gospel Order - A Quaker Understanding of Faithful Church Community, Pendle Hill Pamphlet #297, 1991.
Martha Grundy, Tall Poppies - Supporting Gifts of Ministry and Eldering in the Monthly Meeting, Pendle Hill Pamphlet #347, 1999.
Lewis Benson, Prophetic Quakerism, Friends Bookstore, Philadelphia, 1943.
Excellent thoughts, Micah - thanks for posting. Are you familiar with the book The Leadership Jump? The author has some interesting things to say about how we understand leadership, a lot of which seems to mesh well with Quaker approaches. Here's the Amazon link if you're interested:
Excellent survey of Quaker ministry offices. I learned quite a lot from this presentation. Thanks Micah :)
I agree wholeheartedly that the propagation function is largely missing from the church in America. The tending and maintaining types have marginalized those with the other gifts. The creative entrepreneurs are hard to come by generally for our culture anymore.
Micah, as thee described each role, I did some checking in with myself, noting in which direction I have been called. That was useful.
It seems to me that constant recognition that the gifts are for the purposes of the Lord is vital. Remembering Who gives them and for Whose purpose will help avoid lost opportunities stemming from false humility and a worry about "giving someone the big head," as my grandmother would call inflated ego.
Another pitfall I encountered was my own lack of willingness to acknowledge that I had a part to play in building the Kingdom. It was similar to Peter Pan, wanting never to grow up.
I pray that these posts are read widely and carefully considered before the Lord. May what He desires come through.
Sorry friend,
You should have started you post with the header," A radical subset of quaker schismatics embraced the idea of hirling ministers". Things degenerated till this group of "quakers", started thinking they were all of it.
@Matthew Thanks for commenting, Matt. No, I haven't heard of The Leadership Jump, though I've just added it to my Amazon wish-list.
Leadership among Friends is a big focus at Earlham School of Religion, where I work, and I think that we probably have some things to learn from other Christians (and non-Christians, no doubt!).
@TheYellowDart Glad you enjoyed this installment! I agree that it is easy for us to get lured into a maintanance mode; but I believe that, if we are not growing (spiritually or numerically), we are dying.
@Raye I'm glad that thee found this post useful in discerning thy own call and gifts. I agree that it is hard to not attach one's own sense of self-worth to the gifts that God bestows. It is important to remember that spiritual gifts are not who we are, but instead are the ways that God works through us at particular times in our lives. The spiritual gifts present in each person can (and do) change over time, and we do God and neighbor a disservice if we cling to our previous calling when Christ is asking something new of us.
@Ben I'm sorry, Ben, but I don't know quite what you're getting at. It seems that you're saying that you don't believe pastoral Friends are real Quakers. I disagree with you, and I don't quite understand what that has to do with this post.
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