Luís touches me with his willingness to let his life preach, becoming a visible witness to the presence of the Risen Lord in Spain. He
Of course, Luís' courageous witness is not enough. As he himself states in his blog post, he needs our support. He looks in particular to Quaker Christians in the United States to extend him the hand of friendship, encouragement, and teaching. Luís has been convinced of the truth of Friends' testimony of the Resurrected Jesus, but his only connection to his brothers and sisters in Christ abroad thus far has been through literature and personal contact through email and Skype. Luís, and the Meeting that we pray will begin to grow in Seville, needs ongoing connection with the wider Religious Society of Friends. Friends in Spain need our prayers, correspondence, counsel, visitation, and practical support.
Luís is an outstanding example of the ways in which Jesus Christ is raising up testimony of his continuing life and presence throughout the world. Fortunately, however, Luís is by no means unique. There are men and women across the United States and throughout the world who are discovering Christ's inward voice and are being drawn to unite with the testimony of the Friends tradition. Jesus is raising up his witnesses in Spain, the UK and Brazil. He is raising up modern-day prophets and apostles in Atlanta, Detroit, DC,
There are millions of women and men who are discovering the presence of the Spirit of Jesus in their lives and are looking for the next steps in their relationship with him. Their encounter with Christ leads them to seek community with others who are walking in the Way. What is our role as Quaker Christians in providing eldership and oversight for these individuals and new worship groups? How can we be more intentional about releasing the gifts of ministry, eldership, oversight and apostleship that are present within the Religious Society of Friends, commissioning a new Valiant Sixty to carry the good news of Christ's gospel - his living presence - out into a world that his hungering to hear his word?
Unlike the original Valiant Sixty, this new generation of Quaker apostles cannot be satisfied with preaching the message and
As we are faithful to the call to go into all the world, proclaiming and embodying the gospel of Christ's living presence, we can be sure
Jesus warned us to count the cost before setting out on a journey with him.(1) He knew that walking in his way would cost us everything - our very lives! We must be ready to sacrifice in order to support our brothers and sisters who are crying out for the living witness of the Church in our suffering world. The harvest is plentiful, but we will never see it unless we commit ourselves completely to serving Jesus and modeling the tradition in which we experience him as a community. Are you ready? Will you join us?
1. Luke 14:28-33
I'm so delighted to see these items--both the original piece by Luís Pizarro and your comments--and absolutely want to affirm the urgency of your call to commitment.
From the point of view of our own little meeting here in Moscow, it would be a true blessing to see a whole new generation of Valiant Sixty planters, encouraging us and being encouraged by us in the specific context of continental Europe. There are some parallels between Luís's description of Spain and European Russia which may make for fertile conversation.
Johan, I am very glad to hear from you. What is your experience in Moscow?
I hope to be in touch with you. Do you have a Facebook account?
Your friend in Christ,
Luis Pizarro.
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