Since becoming a Christian in the Quaker tradition, I have witnessed the wide range of character of many different congregations. There are the obvious differences, like attendance, geography and theology. There are differences in class background, age and the historical pedigree of the Meeting.(1) These factors, and many others, come together to make each Meeting unique, possessing its own character and special mission in its context.
There is one aspect of the character of our Meetings that I have sensed for years, but am only now beginning to be able to name. It is a subtle difference in worldview that makes a huge difference in how the Meeting understands itself and manages its affairs. The difference has to do with the way the group understands the relationship between the community and the individual. While different communities fall at different points in a spectrum of
The first worldview, I will dub freelance ministry.(2) In this understanding, the community exists primarily as a resource for the work that each individual member is doing in the world. The congregation is, in practical terms, a free association of individuals who support one another in their particular callings. The other members of the Meeting may provide advice, emotional and spiritual support, and even financial backing to projects that other members undertake. Often, support consists primarily of fellowship and encouragement for each member in the good work that they do out in the world.
Freelance ministry is, in my experience, the most prevalent perspective found among Friends today. It is predominant in most of the Liberal-Unprogrammed Meetings I have visited, as well as in many pastoral and Evangelical congregations. Most of our communities view the individual as the primary recipient of God's guidance, with the community serving as a resource for that ongoing journey of personal discovery and service to the wider world.
The alternative to the freelance worldview is a perspective which I label the Body of Christ view.(3) This view inverts the relationship between individuals and community. Instead of seeing the community as a resource for its members, those who are living in a Body of Christ worldview see the gifts of the individual members as being given by God for the community. Individuals who are members of a community with this outlook understand themselves as existing to serve the wider body, and spiritual gifts - whether
In this perspective, it is not so much that an individual is given a gift of administration; instead, the community is given a gift of administration through the individual member. This is why Friends have traditionally recorded gifts of ministry, eldership and oversight: Not primarily to validate the individual, but instead to recognize and care for the gifts that God has bestowed on the Church.
This view is much less common than the freelance perspective, and for my first few years among Friends, I encountered it mostly in literature. Many books I read described the importance of having a Body of Christ worldview - and I came to agree, in theory - but I rarely saw this worldview embodied in a living community. For a long time, I wondered whether this understanding was lost to Friends, discarded at some point in the 19th and 20th centuries.
Recently, however, I have seen that there are still Friends communities that maintain a way of life that is primarily grounded in a community-centered understanding.
The main opportunity that I have had to see this worldview in action has been through my increasing involvement with Conservative Friends. As I began to spend more time with Friends in Ohio Yearly Meeting, I saw that their self-understanding was substantially different from many of the communities I had experienced before. Taking part more deeply
While my ideal for Christian community has long been more community-focused, I had always been in contexts where the freelance ministry perspective predominated. I was a member of communities that were primarily focused on the individual, and this could not help but shape me. Though my ideology was more community-focused, in practice I was operating mostly under the assumptions of freelance ministry. This was natural, of course. We adapt ourselves to our immediate context, and for years I was compelled to mostly play by the rules of freelance ministry, even as I sought to encourage a more community-minded ethos where I was.
Since becoming a member of a Meeting that leans much more towards the Body of Christ side of the spectrum, I have found my rhetoric and practice shifting. I think much more in terms of "us" than in terms of "me." When I examine the spiritual gifts of others or those that have been entrusted to me, I look to how they fit into the life of the community, rather than simply admiring them for their own beauty. I am being taught that the gifts that the Holy Spirit entrusts to me should not be the basis for pride - or even identity.
Calling and gifts change over the course of a lifetime, depending on the needs of the Body, and I am seeing that it is unwise to build my sense of self on things that are not, ultimately, mine. Safest, certainly, is to build upon the sure foundation that we find in humility and obedience to the ongoing guidance of the Holy Spirit. When I find my identity in Christ, rather than in the gifts he gives, I am much more likely to be flexible and obedient to leadings that defy my own sense of gifting. In a community with a Body of Christ
While it is in Ohio Yearly Meeting that I have discovered a community that really prioritizes the Meeting over the individual, I feel certain that there are many congregations outside of the Conservative Quaker tradition that live in a Body of Christ worldview. But it is not surprising that most of our Meetings seem to fall more into a freelance ministry perspective. The wider Western culture is so steeped in individualism, that to put the group first is a radical shift.
What are ways that we can encourage movement towards a more community-centered way of life in our Meetings? What does it take to develop a community where individuals are willing to lay down their own opinions, priorities and independence in order to build up the life of the group in Christ? How might we encourage the conditions where individuals can gain the level of trust and intimacy necessary to surrender our own prerogatives in order to build up the Body of Christ?
1. Talking about pedigree is complicated and ridiculous enough for its own series of posts. Is the Meeting Gurneyite, Hicksite, Wilburite? Modernist, Fundamentalist? New Meetings Movement, Neo-Conservative? There is so much confusion and contentiousness surrounding who we are as communities, and a lot of it is based in our history of divisions.
2. Ministry is just an anglicization of the Latin word for word for service, and in this post I am using the words "ministry" and "service" interchangeably. Of course, as Christian communities our service/ministry is done in the name of Jesus, and for this reason has a particular, sacramental character.
3. I take the term "Body of Christ" from 1 Corinthians 12:12-31.
As a member of Strawberry Creek MM (Pacific YM), I am aware of many friends within my monthly, quarterly and yearly meetings who live and breathe in accord with what you call the "Body of Christ" perspective (though I'm sure quite a few would seek different language to describe it). Those of us who do strive to live in this way reach out to each other, feel accountable to each other, are tempered and seasoned in relation to each other's gifts and ministry.
This interdependence goes across different monthly meetings. While it often has a strong influence on the culture and relationships of specific monthly meetings, I think it's hard for this to become a pervasive and defining feature of large monthly meetings. (I don't know if this is different in other branches of Quakerism.) So there can be an "inner circle" or "interest group" feeling about this connection, something that others can admire or stumble on as they spend more time in the meeting and deepen their connection. In some cases, small groups work intensively at cultivating such relationships in ways that feel very tender, and may or may not be open to new participants. Some monthly meetings have found ways to open such fellowship to any who are drawn to it.
So perhaps what I have seen and experienced is closer to your model of "freelance ministry" than what you are holding up here as "the Body of Christ". But I do see seeds that can grow into that.
My own vision for the Society of Friends has been that we would all become so engaged in nurturing each other's ministry and gifts, that we would come to see there is no better work for us to do in the world. Through that practice, we would each develop the habit of responding as channels of God's love to the people we come into contact with, finding opportunities to call each other back to a Center (by whatever names we can each hear) that can nurture and sustain us all. May we all be faithful in sharing these gifts.
Yes! Gifts are given to edify the body, not to edify the gifted individual.
It is not a question of subordinating individuals to anything-- except God.
If you put "The Community" in the place of individual tyrants, the problem remains-- that we are infected by our membership in a larger civilization that has always been basically atheist:
Using the name of "God" to underwrite human aims, turning to "tradition" & "practical" means by preference, seeking Guidance only as a last resort.
I'm not saying you can't have a community of pious people using their gifts to maintain the community's spiritual life-- but that is not "the Body of Christ;" it's a thumb at best.
If each individual is connected to God-- then his connection to a larger body should follow from that. If such a body can't coordinate itself into a motion willed by God... that's a sign that its members themselves are only numbly attached to the Divine nerve...
I tend to agree with much of the discussion here. However, from personal experience in several situations, one of the concerns with "Body"/community as the primary identification is that if some one or some group does not "fit" or, in some cases, seems to be coming from the "outside," there can be an exclusiveness that becomes apparent. I believe that this "exclusiveness" is of concern in some cases.
St. Theresa of Avila's prayer says:
Christ has no body now but yours
No hands, no feet on earth but yours
Yours are the eyes through which He looks compassion on this world
Christ has no body now on earth but yours.
John Micheal Talbot has made this prayer into a beautiful song, & I hear it everytime I think of the Body of Christ.
I like that you said:
"Instead of seeing the community as a resource for its members, those who are living in a Body of Christ worldview see the gifts of the individual members as being given by God for the community."
I think too often today people are looking at what the Church does for them instead of what can we as the Body of Christ do for this world (that Jesus loves so much).
More like being "a piece of" instead of a "consumer". peace.
A 'gift community' that a few of us have organized here in Portugal is certainly 'freelance ministry', and it has been working, to a degree. My longing, however, is for the Body of Christ. Your blog has helped me to pinpoint what I have felt is lacking in our gift community. The difference seems to be the difference between pragmatism and love.
I'm late coming to this post, Micah, but I am very much moved by it. I believe that Forrest has also added greatly to the conversation, as have others.
I wish to add a further comment, though, because I saw a new vision of my activities in the secular world. I have served as convenor/coordinator/chair of several organizations. The ones in which people are thinking about their own projects are terribly difficult to lead/moderate. Those in which people are united in one goal are wonderful to work with, and my task becomes more like that of clerk.
Could those monthly meetings that manage to keep their meetings to an hour or less be those meetings that operate as the Body of Christ?
Yours in the Light, Paula
@Lisa Thank you for sharing about your experience in your home Meeting! I am glad to hear about the organic network of support relationships that develop within Strawberry Creek Meeting and Pacific Yearly Meeting.
I could not agree more with your final paragraph. I look forward to working alongside you to usher in God's Reign on earth.
@otter Thanks for the affirmation!
@Forrest I agree with you that community-orientation can go too far. There is a spectrum of culture from individualism to communitarianism, and the extremes on either side of this spectrum can be troublesome. Above all, we must seek to submit ourselves to Christ Jesus, and I trust that he will order us as is fitting for the purposes he has for us.
Of course, sometimes submitting to Christ can mean leaving a community that is obstinantly rebellious against him.
@Tom Absolutely. As I mentioned to Forrest, there can be a real danger at either extreme of the spectrum, and extreme conformism to the community can be just as bad as extreme individualism. It is a tricky balance!
@briank Thanks for this.
@Anonymous I think your insight is keen. Love is what makes selfless giving possible and true community sustainable.
@Paula I do think that business flows more easily when we are gathered together in the Spirit of Christ. If we allow ourselves to be guided, difficult decisions can be made with apparent ease. Nevertheless, I think that even the most Spirit-led Meetings often hit snags. Sometimes we have to wait in the tension to discover together what Christ is revealing to us.
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