Playing an impromptu concert in McPherson Square is challenging. Jon had no amplification, and was forced to compete with the chaos of police sirens, traffic noise, a nearby drum circle and repeated "mic checked" announcements from other occupiers. It took Jon a while to navigate these obstacles, and the beginning of the set was really hard. By the end, though, Jon was able to capture the mood of the crowd and speak to their hearts in a really beautiful way.
Through Jon's faithful musical witness, there were moments last night when I felt we began to discover the true Source of our unity. Jon's poetry came alive in a new way in McPherson Square. His art emerged from the theoretical confines of digital recording and was birthed into the living struggle for love and justice.
Jon had never played for an audience like this one. He is used to playing in meetinghouses and at Quaker events, where he can count on his audience being quiet and attentive. At Occupy DC, Jon had to fight hard for people's ears. The occupiers had to be convinced by the beauty of Jon's message.
I am grateful for the ministry that Christ is doing through Jon's musical and poetic witness. I pray that the Lord will continue to bless this movement with beauty that blesses and calls us deeper into the transformation that God is asking of us.
I love the idea of a movement infused with beauty. Dorothy Day, quoting Dostoevesky, often used to say that "the world will be saved by beauty."
"Our anger and rage will not inflame us to seek retribution, rather it will inflame our art. This will be our response to violence, to make music beautifully, more devotedly than before." - Leonard Bernstein
Quaker musician and folk singer told Iowa Friends a few years ago that a movement needs to have singing.
Liz Opp, Equality Is Coming
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