The Occupy movement has been an
emotional roller coaster. At first, there was great surprise that this
movement was even happening. As we occupied the streets, parks, banks
and public buildings, surprise gave way to elation. After all these
years of waiting for someone else to take charge and set our country
back on track, we were compelled to put our bodies where our hearts
were. We stepped into the streets and out of a lost decade of fear,
disempowerment and despair.
For many occupiers, the past ten years
had been a time of intense darkness. A wordless despondency had crept
over my generation. We watched with tears as war finally came home on
September 11th, 2001. We groaned in helpless outrage as our nation's
leaders took advantage of our collective trauma and fear to invade
weaker, oil-rich nations. We despaired as we saw America abandon any
semblance of respect for the international community, instead
striking a belligerant pose of imperial might.
Though few of us could clearly
articulate it at the time, we knew that this new posture represented
weakness, not strength. We, the generation who had come of age at the
"end of history," were beginning to realize that history
had only just begun. America would not last long as the world's sole
superpower. The economic collapse that began in the fall of 2008
confirmed our suspicions that we were nearing the end of the American
Yet, there was hope. With the election
of Barack Obama, many of us dared to believe that America might
change its trajectory. Using the economic crisis as an opportunity
for spiritual growth, perhaps we could once again become a respected
and respectful member of the world community. With new leadership, we
could begin to address the climate crisis that threatens all of us. I
personally held out hope that this new regime would focus more on
education, health care and poverty reduction - rejecting the pattern
of endless military build-up and systematic reduction of civil
liberties established during the Bush years.
After a couple of years in office,
however, it was clear that Obama would not bring change we could
believe in. We had been duped once again by a politician who promised
a fundamental shift in our society's way of operating. In practice,
he mostly propped up entrenched elites - the financial and banking
industries, the military-industrial complex, pharmaceutical companies
and Big Oil. As thousands were losing their homes and poverty soared,
we saw the political landscape with new eyes.
We watched with disgust as virtually
all of our lawmakers colluded with powerful, elite interests that
ignored the needs of ordinary working Americans in favor of their own
narrow interests. Many of us were becoming convinced that neither
Democrats nor Republicans offered solutions for the multiple crises
that we were facing as a country. All of them - Left and Right,
Democrat and Republican - were more interested in the concerns of the
wealthy elites than they were in the long-term health of our nation
as a whole.
So, when young people in New York City
began to "occupy" Lower Manhattan and call for justice for
the "99%," we knew exactly what they were talking about.
Not only did their words resonate, but we soon began to realize that
public dissent and direct action were the only ways that we could
exercise our civic duties as citizens. The ballot box had been
reduced to a choice between Pepsi and Coke. Only the streets, parks,
and public spaces of our cities remained free. It was there that we
could make our voices heard and begin to take part in a real
conversation about the direction of our country.
In a very real sense, many of us became
citizens for the first time as a result of this struggle. Always
before, our voices had been confined by the straightjacket of the
corporate-controlled two-party system; but now, we were free to
express directly our rejection of a system that privileges the greed
of the wealthiest 1% over the needs of our whole society.
Though the Occupy movement initially
rallied around a shared rejection of the status quo,
we are quickly discovering ways that we can put forward a positive
program for change. In recent months, occupiers have thrown
themselves into practical, positive work for a more just society. At
this early stage, foreclosure resistance figures prominently in our
efforts. We seek to thwart institutionalized theft by predatory banks
and to empower ordinary homeowners and renters.

is a hard struggle. There were several weeks in December where I
almost completely dropped out of the movement. I had to, if I was
going to retain my sanity! Everything was happening so quickly that
being involved in Occupy DC meant living in a constant state of
crisis. Clearly, that level of stress and anxiety is not sustainable.
first months of the Occupy movement were a process of birthing a new
reality. Across the country, thousands of new activist leaders
emerged in a matter of weeks. We are now discovering together what it
means to live out a vocation as organizers for positive social change
while maintaining our spiritual grounding and living healthy,
sustainable lifestyles. Many of us are brand new to this whole
activism business. All of us are learning how to be effective
change-agents in this new space that has emerged as millions of
Americans awaken to the urgent reality of economic injustice and
ecological crisis.

movement is messy. There is so much to do, and it is easy to become
overwhelmed by the immensity of the task that we have taken on. Some
of the smartest, most kind-hearted people I know feel like they are
in totally out of their depth. Thousands of us have been thrown fresh
from college or unrelated jobs into the trenches of street organizing
and grassroots activism. We were not prepared for this!
the work itself is schooling us, and as time goes on more experienced
organizers are stepping up to give us the practical training that we
need. The learning curve is steep, but we are climbing it. We are
testing our limits and pushing our breaking points.

is just the beginning. The Occupy movement represents nothing less
than the activation of the practical citizenship of my whole
generation. In just a few months, Millennials have stepped out from
the fearful conformity of the 2000s and are embracing our power as a
generation that can make real change, now.
someone who has spent most of my adult life working under the
supervision of people over fifty, it is amazing to be involved in
organizations like
Our Homes DC, which is made up almost entirely of people under
the age of thirty-five. All of our lives, we have looked to the
Boomers for direction, guidance - and permission. But in this
movement, we have definitively stepped outside of the old
generational hierarchy. It is a joy to see that we, the Millennial
generation, are taking leadership and inviting our elders to join us
in the struggle for heart-change as a society.
know that slight modifications of the present order will not be
enough. We need a fundamental revisioning of our whole way of life.
We must examine the ways in which our own entrenched attitudes and
habits have contributed to a society in which a small elite controls
most of the wealth and dominates public discourse. Now is the time to
have these conversations. We have a window of opportunity to
profoundly reshape our national self-understanding, to live up to
America's founding creed of liberty, justice and equal opportunity.
As my
generation is moves out of the trauma-induced paralysis of the 2000s,
we are finding our voice as equal participants in the national
conversation. I hope that elder generations will take this shift
seriously. Just as the rise of the Baby Boomers in the 1960s forever
altered the nature of America's public discourse, so too will the
coming of age of the Millennial generation. One thing is certain:
Business will not continue as usual.