Thursday, December 06, 2012

Quaker Revival In Philadelphia Tonight

This evening, we will be holding the first revival meeting among Friends in Philadelphia in generations. Months of prayer, discernment and preparation have been directed towards this moment, and we feel clear in our sense of the Spirit's leading. It is good for us to be here.

It is also terrifying. As one of three visiting ministers who have been invited to serve at this gathering, I am convicted of the importance of tonight's meeting - and of my own personal inadequacy to be a vessel for the Living Water that Jesus offers us. I feel deeply the words that Simon Peter spoke when Jesus called him into this same ministry beside the Sea of Galilee: "Go away from me, Lord, for I am a sinful man!"

I think that all of us who are involved in organizing this revival meeting are aware of our own frailty and weakness. Who are we to invite our brothers and sisters into a deepened experience of the Holy Spirit and a renewed commitment to following Jesus? And yet our hearts are convinced that God has called each of us to be a part of this evening, and to minister to others as the Spirit directs.

It is our prayer that the living Spirit of God will be in full evidence in our assembly tonight. It is our hope that Jesus will be present in the midst, as he promised he would be whenever we gather in his name. It is our strength and comfort to trust that though we are weak and insufficient, we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. He has already won the victory, and he invites us to take up his ministry of reconciliation - to speak peace to the whole world.

If anything positive happens tonight - if there is any healing, any joy, any kindling of the heart and new commitment to following Jesus - it will be because of the living presence of God. This is my heart's prayer today: Holy Spirit, come! Lord Jesus, stand in the midst of your people and teach us!

Please pray for us here in Philadelphia, that we may be transformed by the renewing of our minds, and brought into a deepened commitment to walking in the way of Jesus.


  1. I pray that your humility is sincere and that you carry it into all your future works.

  2. Sorry to be living in Philadelphia and not know this was happening. Oh well.

  3. Micah, I'm very glad to have been there. Thank you for all your work in organizing it. I wrote a little about my experience, and how I think we need more of these kinds of events, whatever we call them.
