Our most basic mission as those who follow Jesus is to love each other, imitating the love of God that Christ reveals to us. The love
Risky Love
The Church is a key proving ground for this holy love that is being born within us. The community of those who are following Jesus should be a place where we are especially encouraged to try out the risky, radical love of our Lord. Love like this is scary. Jesus suffered and died for love; and in him God became vulnerable to us. It is this vulnerability, exposing our most tender selves to others, that is most frightening of all.
We are called to imitate the risky love of Christ. We can only live into the New Covenant if we open ourselves to God and to our
The way we treat others reflects our inward spiritual condition: If we lead lives of false self-sufficiency and human wisdom, we not only elevate ourselves above our neighbors, we distance ourselves from our Creator. If, however, we are gentle and humble of heart, our relationship with God and one another will be transformed.
Embracing the Challenge
Being together as the Church helps us to live into the challenge of living and loving like Jesus. The community of faith is a place where
We can demonstrate love in a many ways. There are a variety of gifts within the Church, and so our expressions of love are bound to be diverse. One important way we show our love is through simple acts of kindness and generosity: Greeting others when they visit; providing hospitality to strangers; and taking the time to talk with those who are alone. Our love grows deeper as we move beyond simply giving charity out of our own abundance and begin to share dangerously in faith that our Heavenly Father will provide for our needs as we trust in him.
This is a big step, and few of us take it on a regular basis: Stepping out in faith that God will provide, releasing our need to control
The wealth of the western Church in the face of widespread global poverty is an indictment of our lack of faith. We have refused to trust in God, instead relying on our own human wisdom - our economic theories, five-year plans and retirement packages. What would happen if we threw ourselves into the arms of Jesus and risked everything for love?
Money, however, is not everything. Love is also about how we spend our time and attention. As we experience God's infinite and
Let us imitate Jesus, who set aside his infinite power and wisdom and became a suffering servant.(3) By humbling ourselves, making ourselves vulnerable to others and carrying their burdens willingly, we imitate our Lord and open the door to our own relationship with God. For it is in receiving the love of God into our own lives that we are empowered to share it with the whole world.
1. See John 15
2. See 1 Corinthians 13
3. See Isaiah 52:13-53:12
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