As Christ's Light cleanses and redeems us inwardly, our outward lives will begin to reflect the radiant joy and peace of God. We become instruments of Christ's universal ministry of love and peace. The Holy Spirit re-orders our lives and prepares us so that we can be of service in the specific mission that God has for us, both as individuals and as communities.
Faithful in Context
As Jesus' modern-day disciples, it is not enough for us to know general truth; we must be faithful in applying it to specific contexts.
Here in Washington, DC, the Quaker Christian community that I am a part of struggles with how to reconcile our faith in Jesus with the idolatrous demands that government, corporations and powerful interests place on us as citizens. In our context, we feel particularly led to wrestle as a community with how we relate to the structures of global power that are based in our city (and where some of us work!). We know that we are called to lead lives of undivided loyalty to God, even as we live and work in the heart of the greatest imperial power the world has ever known.
Other communities are led in different directions to be faithful to the same core commandment. For instance, one Christian community that I was a part of in Richmond, Indiana, placed its focus on reclaiming the things that the wider society threw away. Dumpster diving for food and renovating run-down houses was a large part of what God called us to; this was both a witness to the power of God to overcome the idolatry of materialism, as well as a basis of a new community, gathered in Christ from a wide variety of religious, educational and class backgrounds.
Though the specifics of our calling in Christ may vary from community to community, we can trust that God will always have
Following Christ's Lead
As we wait on God as a community, opening ourselves up to whatever the Holy Spirit might ask of us, we will find the particular mission that we are called to, both as individuals and as a wider fellowship. Because of our overwhelming individualism, however, it is often easier for us to act individually than to unite as a community to act on a leading from the Lord.
Sometimes this is appropriate. Some leadings are meant just for the individual. An example of an individual leading is my decision to
Even this leading was not totally individual - I still needed help in discernment from my church, as well as financial assistance during my time at ESR. However, the decision to attend seminary, and the responsibility to undertake the lifestyle changes necessary to fulfill this leading was ultimately my own. I, personally, had to make the decision and bear most of the burden to carry it out.
Engaging as One Body
There are many times, though, when God desires to use an entire congregation, or even denomination, for a specific purpose. Some
Not so long ago, slavery was regarded in most of the western world as not only legal and socially acceptable, but as ordained of God and authorized by Scripture. There was enormous resistance to any hint of abolition - not only from the slave traders and plantation owners, but from the Church itself. Most Christians - including Quakers - interpreted the Bible as allowing slavery, and this understanding was a powerful roadblock to justice.
There were many individuals who felt the Holy Spirit telling them that slavery was sin. These individuals divested themselves of the
It is important to note that the first instinct of these individual concerned Friends was not to lobby the government to end slavery. Instead, they brought their sense of conviction to the Yearly Meeting; they sought unity within the Body of Christ for this leading that was far too large for any individual to appropriately address. This was a case where Christ was calling upon the Church as a whole to take a stand.
A Justice-Seeking Church
Today, there are a number of issues that confront us that may only be confronted by communities acting under a sense of divine
As we come into real, living relationship with Jesus Christ, our previous sense of boundaries between the self, the Church, and the wider world is bound to change. Christ will not be limited to making demands only on the individual; he wants to reign in the Church as a whole, to guide us as a people. In order to respond to Christ's calling for us today, we must embrace a radical life of covenant community that listens and obeys together. It is in discovering God's mission for us as a community that we find our true identity - not merely as individual Christians, but as vital members of the Body of Christ.
1. Matthew 18:20
2. James 2:14-26
3. For examples, see: Christian Ecology Link, Quaker Earthcare Witness, and Evangelical Environmental Network
Timely writing.
When I first read this sentence:
Christ will not be limited to making demands only on the individual; he wants to reign in the Church as a whole, to guide us as a people.
I read "reign in" as in, pull back into line. Then I blinked and it appeared to be, "he wants to reign" was standing out.
Either way makes sense to me.
It appears we have so many opportunities now to witness to what the Lord has done for all of us and each of us who are learning how to follow Him. The consequences of failing to follow Him abound now, and are becoming more difficult to deny. Perhaps at this point we can demonstrate the alternatives in a more effective way.
We certainly need each other. Much of what I am called to do is solitary, but I still need the support of my brothers and sisters in Christ - those who are listening and responding to His very immediate direction.
I'm of the opinion that we can make plans for the betterment of society, but only God can reach the individual. We may be better able to facilitate that, but I think we must resist the temptation to push too hard.
I wasn't ready to believe until I was ready. Though it often runs contrary to my own whims, I must not deviate from God's ultimate plan for me.
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